DAWGBITESJohn Barsby Football Newsletter
SR. Bowl 2010
A huge congratulations to the following John Barsby Grade 12 players who were selected to participate in the 2010 Sr. Bowl All-Star Camp in Vancouver this past Spring Break: Dylan Chapdelaine, Marshall Cook, Ariel Fabbro and Braeden Swatez. Our Dawgs represented their school and themselves very well across the week and this was a fine way to cap outstanding High School Football careers. Well done!
Equipment Issue
We are continuing the process of gearing up this year's JV and Varsity squads for the upcoming camp and May's Spring Football Practices. Equipment will be issued today (Tuesday, 13 April) at lunch and Wednesday (14 April) at lunch. It is important that all players who have not yet received their gear to ensure that they are present at these times as this week's time frame is very compressed.
7 on 7 Passing
Seven on Seven Passing will continue this week and the JV and Varsity groups will travel together via school bus on Friday to play @ Ballenas High School. The bus will leave at 2:20 PM and we ought to arrive back at the Dawghouse circa 6 PM. Varsity will play at 3:30 PM and JV's at 4:30 PM. This is a huge opportunity for our players to learn our offensive and defensive schemes while honing valuable individual skills. We will host the Whalers the following Friday, 23 April at the same times and will travel one last time on Friday 30 April using the same schedule as we will be using this Friday.
Football Spring Frenzy Camp
We will be hosting our 11th annual Football Spring Frenzy Development Camp this weekend. There will be coaches and players from across Vancouver Island along with former pro Lyall Woznesensky and some JB alumni who currently play with the VI Raiders. This camp is our signature kick-off event for the season and the skills obtained over the weekend are invaluable for all players. If your son has never played contact football before, he will emerge from this camp with a great head-start headed into May Spring Practices.
From a coaching perspective, this camp gives our staff a tremendous opportunity to evaluate this year's rosters in live contact situations. We are then able to factor in our evaluations into Spring Ball so as to be the most efficient and productive with our practice and teaching time.
On Saturday 17th, all players need to arrive at the Dawghouse with a 4 litre water bottle and get changed into their protective equipment. Jerseys will be issued to all players at this time. We will be on the bleachers at 0900 hrs. and camp introductions and an orientation will take place shortly thereafter. The morning practice will take place from 0930-11:30, we will provide lunch (players are expected to remain on campus) and will practice in the afternoon from 12:30-1430.
On Sunday 18th we will follow the same schedule with the afternoon session involving a 1/2 warm-up and camp scrimmage (lots of fun!).
Food Preparation Friday, 16 April @ 7:01 PM
Volunteers are needed for the food preparation for this weekend's camp. We will be meeting in the JB cafeteria at 7:01 PM to make 520 sandwiches for this year's campers. We really need help here and will set-up an assembly line to accomplish the task. Please e-mail Coach Stevenson if you can be of assistance boomsha@yahoo.com . Many hands make short-work!
Food service and Clean-Up
We need eight people to help lay out the pre-prepared food and tidy up after the lunch is finished. Volunteers would need to show up at 1030 and be on hand until 12:00 both days. Again, please e-mail Coach Stevenson if you can help.
We will need four people to help with registration and jersey issue at the gym entrance from 0815-0915 on Saturday, 17 April. Everything will be set-up and pre-prepared so the process in neither taxing or mind-bending. Again, if you can help, please contact Coach.
Spring Football Practices
The Spring Practice Schedule is posted on the right hand side of the John Barsby Football Blog-Site http://johnbarsbyfootball.blogspot.com/
It is very important that players take carefull note of the dates and times indicated. Attendance at these scheduled practices is mandatory. We are allowed by rule, 10 practices in gear prior to our Spring Jamboree. Every practice counts as team members depend on one another to have a mastery of assigned schemes and techniques.
Team and Individual Photos
Program, Team and Individual Photographs will take place Thursday May 27th from 3:15-5 PM. It is very important that everyone is present as there are no second chances with this event. Game uniforms will be issued.
Varsity Jamboree
The Varsity Jamboree will be held at Nanaimo District HS on Friday, 28 May from 2 PM to 5:30 PM. The team bus will depart from the Dawghouse at 12:45 PM and we will arrive back at the Dawghouse at 5:45 PM. There will be at least seven (7) teams in attendance).
Junior Varsity Jamboree
The Junior Varsity Jamboree will take place Saturday, 29 May at Nanaimo District HS and will run from 11:00 AM to 3 PM. The team bus will depart from the Dawghouse at 0950 AM and will arrive back at the Dawghouse at 3:15 PM. There will be at least seven (7) teams in attendance.